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Tuesday, October 8, 2013


a) Things I know about Hamlet:

  • It's confusing plot line
  • A lot of people die, there's a ghost involved.
  • Is this the one where they hold the skull and say "to be or not to be, that is the question?"
b) From reading Romeo and Juliet I know that Shakespere created his own literature. He made up words, and sentence structures. He used inappropriate phrases and was the first to step out and present contreversial plot lines.
c) When reading Romeo and Juliet our teacher had to go through and stop after every sentence to explain what it meant to us. This is why children frown.
d) There's a lot of pressure associated with providing a task which will make Shakespere unforgettable. Perhaps making it into a FUN project. For example the Odyssey project, which allowed us to plan a trip to Italy but something not as time consuming as that.

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