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Monday, August 26, 2013

Vocabulary #2

accoutrements: additional items of dress or equipment
My mom was adorning an excessisive amount of accoutements when she wore a hat, glasses, jewlery, and scarf

apogee:the highest point in the development of something

I believe the Iphone has reached the apogee of techonology but they always seem to come out with newer models.

apropos:used to state a speaker's belief that someone's comments or acts are unrelated to any previous discussion or situation.
I laughed apropos in class while reminising about an earlier event

bicker:argue about petty and trivial matters

Javier Solis and I constatnly bicker about the least important things simply for the fun of bickering.

coalesce:come together and form one mass or whole

When water comes in contact with another source of water they coalesce to become a bigger puddle of water.

contretemps:an unexpected and unfortunate occurrence

The contertemp of our neighbor"s dog was saddening, he got hit by a car this morning.

convolution:a coil or twist, esp. one of many

The sentence was complicated, and had many convolutions and ambiguities.

cull:select from a large quantity
We culled a certain piglet because he was the smallest.

disparate:essentially different in kind
My sister and I have disparate fashion sense, I don't borrow any of her clothes.

dogmatic:inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true
My mom is always dogmatic, all she ever talks about is what colleges want to her in our applications.

licentious:promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters

I find R rated movies hard to watch around my parents because of their licentious style.

mete:a punishment, or harsh treatment
The way the Russians treat homosexuals is a mete, it's completely uncalled for.

noxious:harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant

His noxious personality makes it hard for people to stay in the same room as him.

polemic:a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something

My mom uses polemics in her complaint letters to companies.

populous:having a large population

The hallways at school are so populas sometimes I am late to class.

probity:the quality of having strong moral principles

I admire my Dad's sense of probity, he is never subject to the opinions of others.

repartee:conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies

I;ve always thought repartee would be extremely fun to engage in, but I've never been clever enough.

supervene:occur later than a specified or implied event or action

Christmas will supervene this year because Santa has a stomachache.

truncate:shorten (something) by cutting off the top or the end

We truncated the tree in our front yard because it started to grow into our house.

unimpeachable:not able to be doubted, questioned

To my little sister our parents our unimpeachable, they would never tell a lie.

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