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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vocabulary 6

Beatitude: It is beatitude to live in America with free public education.
Spiders and cockroaches are my bête noire because I just cringe at the site of them.

Bode: Dogs are bodes of earthquakes because they always bark before an earthquake hits.

Dank:My cellar is dank because there is no are no lights and there is a pipe leak.

Ecumenical: Milk is an ecumenical grocery to find inside a fridge. 
It feels as if every encounter is fervid and the atmosphere is electric.
Sometimes I detest living in Los Alamos because of the fetid smell of manure ever present.

Gargantuan:Gargantuan only begins to describe the Great of China.

Heyday: Eighth grade year was my heyday because I was involved in ASB, sports, and I was also valedictorian.

Incubus:One of my brothers' favorite bands is incubus and they love the song "Threshold".

Infrastructure:Employees are the infrastructure of a business. If the employees don't do their jobs, then the business will crumble.

Inveigle: Prostitutes usually inveigle a customer by sexual arrousement.

Kudos: Kudos to Jon for figuring out how to add music to a blog and for showing me as well.

Lagniappe: People who attend the VIP party will acquire a lagniappe which varies from an iPod to a certificate to a day spa.

Prolix: I found Hemingway’s writing style to be prolix when compared to Faulkner who used fewer words to describe a setting.

Protege: Joshua is my Protégé and I am his patron. I have bestowed him with my skill as a student and he has granted me his attentive ears.

Prototype: Terminator was only the prototype of the X9's that will invade the earth in the future.

Sycophant:Mycha is a sycophant known for kissing up to the teacher around grading period.

Tautology: Lance psyches me out sometimes with his tautology because he asks me if I want him to arrive at 12 am or to land at midnight at my doorstep.

Truckle:I truckle to any question or favor under her mesmerizing gaze of beauty.

Accolade: an award or privilege granted as a special honor or as an acknowledgment of merit 
I was given an accolade for my perfect attendance.

Acerbity: sourness or acid of taste, character, or tone
There was acerbity in his mother-in-law’s tone.

Attrition: a rubbing away or wearing down by friction
Tires have to withstand great attrition.

Bromide: a trite and unoriginal idea or remark, typically intended to soothe, boring
She was a bromide while giving her presentation because of her monotone voice.
Chauvinist: a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism
The chauvinist showed aggression towards his peers.

Chronic: marked by long duration or frequent recurrence
.     Chronic back pain makes me insomniac.

Expound: present and explain a theory or idea systematically and in detail
The professor expounded his new discovery to his passionate students.

Factionalism: a group of persons forming a cohesive
The factionalism of white male Republicans are held in the House of Representatives.

Immaculate: perfectly clean, neat, or tidy
The criminals made sure they were immaculate with their plan.

Imprecation: a spoken curse
The witch spelled an imprecation on her evil twin sister.

Ineluctable: unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable
The poor man was in an eneluctable situation; there was no way out.

Mercurial: changeable, volatile, having the quality of eloquence
I am mercurial when I give a speech about my life.

Palliate: make a disease or a symptoms less severe or unpleasant without removing the cause
The cream just palliated the rash, it didn’t fix it entirely.

Protocol: an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction
The protocol for the CIA is to call a number for an extraction.

Resplendent: attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous
The painting was very resplendent and attracted many viewers.

Stigmatize: describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval
I had a great stigmatize for cheating on test because it’s unfair.

Sub Rosa: happening or done in secret
The birthday surprise was sub  rosa which was done by my friends.

Vainglory: inordinate pride in oneself or one’s achievements
.Her vainglory attitude drove away her friends.

Vestige: a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists
Footprints are an example of a vestige.

Volition: the faculty or power of using one’s will

People use volition to get what they want. 

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